So lets get on with the updates on my life, but first, the leaves are changing colors!
Roughly two weeks into the semester I had the misfortune of spilling sweet tea on the keyboard
of my laptop. Luckily I did not fry the computer, but I had been plagued with extremely sticky keys since the spill. The stickiness impeded my ability to type and was a cause of much aggravation. I am not sure if it has been a change in humidity or something else, but mysteriously my keyboard has had a 85% improvement in non-key stickiness in the last week and has a been a huge blessing! So whohooo!
Do to a combination of my dislike for math and other things I have decided that I don't want to be a computer science major. I decided that I programming would be something I would love to learn as a hobby but not something I would enjoy doing for the rest of my life. I am not sure what I would like to do, but I still have a semester and a half to figure it out.
I turned the last draft of my first Expository Writing paper and am now preparing to turn in the third draft of my next paper. The paper I am currently writing is assigned to be a detailed description of my day. It is not supposed to be in chronological order but rather is supposed to cause us each to take a deeper look into our own lives and notice the things that give our lives meaning and depth. I have really enjoyed this paper and did not find it all that difficult. I am still amazed at the serious lack of writing ability in college students. I remember when my older brother went to NCSU and received good writing grades and realized that he was a better writer then our mother let him think he was actually. I am kinda getting the same feeling. I will not in any way call myself a good writer or claim that my mother was wrong. I go with the theory that my teacher is so depressed by the lack of writing ability that when he reads my "ridiculous" and "wordy" writing(which i consider to be an excellent writing containing witty humor and mind blowing thoughts... joking.. but seriously...) that he actually sees it has a breath of fresh air. So I throughly enjoying that class.
Last Thursday, in my Freshman Seminar class, my project group gave a brain melting presentation on "The Commidity Chain of Pepper Spice"... Yeah, that is what i said pepper spice.... The project was difficult only due to the fact that it was a group project and every memeber of the group did not have the same work ethic and desire to work hard to receive a good grade on this project. See, this is how I work, I know that I can do a good job on the project. I dont like depending on people I dont know to do important work needed for an "A". Frankly, college students are not generally dependable. So in a nut shell, I am glad that the project went well and am very happy the project is out of the way!
Ummm, actually can't think of what else is going on in my life at the moment. I am looking forward to fall break this upcoming Thursday-Sunday! Whooohoooo! I am getting burnt out and am very ready for a break.
Oh btw, Grammy I checked my mailbox to and recieved the birthday card you sent me. Thank You Very Much!!
Well I will try to write more soon!